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Also popularly referred to as "Dizzy Bat", Louisville Chugger  requires a wiffle ball bat with the bottom cut off, and one team member with really good hand-eye coordination. The bat is filled with beer and the clock starts when the player lifts the bat to chug. He/She then places the bat on the ground and spins around 10 times, stands up into a batting stance, at which point another teammate will soft-toss any empty beer to him/her.  The clock stops when the player hits the can with the bat.

Because this is a later event, between the 10 spins and all the alcohol consumed at this point, this is also the event that produces the most hilarious results.


1 - If the player does not spin around 10 times, then a penalty of one-beer-per-spin short is assessed
2 - In the interest of time, the clock is stopped at 4 minutes if the player can't hit the can.
3 - No penalties for a reversal of fortune in this event.