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There are many different games in which individuals are required to consume varying amounts of beer as fast as they can. The pitcher race is one variation and is a game of good ol' fashion drinkin'. This event requires teams to work together to consume a pitcher of beer in the shortest amount of time. Here at the St. Patrick's Day Games, the following rules will be used.


-  Teams will fill their team pitcher to the "Pitcher Race" fill line.
-  Teams will select the order in which they will drink.
-  All teams will start at the same time with a "Cheers" of the pitchers.

Game Play:
-  Each player will drink from the pitcher and pass it to their teammate.
-  Players may take as many drinks as they want prior to passing the pitcher.
-  Every team member must drink from the pitcher at least once.
-  Once the team feels they have finished, they will place the pitcher on the table and advise the judge, who will rule whether the pitcher is finished.
-  If the judge rules the pitcher is not finished, the team may continue and will be assessed penalty time.
-  Time will stop once the judge rules the pitcher is finished.
- The judge of the event has final say on any conflicts. 

-  A penalty of 30 Seconds will be added to a teams total time if the team claims to be finished and the judge rules that the team has not finished
-  A penalty of 2 minutes will be added to a teams total time if any player does and of the following
                                                     -  Spits out beer
                                                     -  Vomits
                                                     -  Interferes with the opposing teams drinking
                                                     - Does not participate 
-  A team will be disqualified for spilling their pitcher of spilling the opponents pitcher.